The famous saying “don’t judge a book by its cover” reminds people not to base their
expectations of a book’s text solely on the cover displayed before them. However, book covers
are vital tools of interpretation and translation. They serve as creative bridges between the
text and the reader. Book covers are carefully crafted designs, each so unique; so, why should
they be ignored?
The exhibition "To Judge a Book By Its Cover" celebrates the artistry of book cover design and
recognizes the designers who create the covers we are often told to overlook.The exhibition was
presented in the Sojourner Truth Library, April 7-20, 2024. My project highlights the various
design elements found in historical to contemporary book covers and explores how designers use
these elements to engage and captivate audiences visually.
As you look at this project, you are encouraged to judge these books by their covers. Don’t
worry–I won’t tell.